Saturday, January 7, 2017

America, We Have A Problem

America, we have a problem...and it's not Trump, nor is it the spread liberalism.  It's something far more terrifying and much closer to home.  We are witnessing the destruction of the American culture from multiple divisions.  Divisions between race and with in, between religion and within religion, between politics and with in, even between and within ones own self identity.
There is no clear source to point to, no single event to trace back to in our history.  It did not happen in one singularity.  It happened over a course of a time, so gradually that we that we ignored it.  Like a root growing under a concrete side walk, until one day we notice the small cracks.  Except we continued ignoring it, we dealt with small crack after small crack all the while watering the lawn feeding the root system which eventually breaks through concrete.
  Now we look dumbfounded in disbelief at how could that be possible?  We point and assign blame until we reach a general area of direction that makes sense.
I don't know about you, but no one has ever watered my lawn for me.
This is where America is right now.  No side wants to admit to their contribution of the damage.  Point and let blame lay on whatever target makes sense, with no regard to Justice as long as Justification can be supported.
Racism justified by color, terror justified by religion,  hate justified by political alliance, and self identity justified by nothing conclusive.
At this point of pandemic division the government can do nothing except complete reversal of American Civil Liberties.  By which I mean complete government control under submission of one ruling party. Does that sound so far off?
I believe the failure of God's own people is what got us here.  I believe we are the ones who ignored the small cracks.  We are called to be the light of the world. Instead for too many years we sat silent inside the walls of the church and watched the world slowly choke on vines.  As Jesus said we are to be light, he also said you are not to be a candle lit to be hidden under a bowl. Meaning, that the church has failed to let it's light shine outside the brick and mortar of its own structure.  We boast of the activities and programs that are inside the church yet all too often fail to let any of it out into the dark world.
It's as if we fear to let any of the light out, afraid that the darkness will consume what little we have.  Darkness does not consume light, darkness is the absence of light.  Church how long can we continue to with hold  our light inside the church, under a bowl, leaving the world absence of the life giving light?  How foolish it must look to God to see the lost banging on the door of the church.  Like moths fluttering against the window glass.
Where do we start?  With stopping the blame and accepting the part we played in getting us here.  How did the church play a role?  By leaving God at church.  Why do you think it was so easy for God to be taken out of school? Or why Christians are so easily silenced by the argument of separation of church and state?
Because the majority of Christians already live under the rule of separation of church and home or church and self.  Long before the government began putting limitations on God, Christians were well versed in this practice.  We limit our relationship with God to a few hours one day a week.  We GO to church, but we rarely  TAKE church with us.  How many Christians take Him home?
There is no organization in this world capable of healing this nation other than the Body of Christ, His church.  I believe this is God's plan and purpose for all that is happening.  To convict His people into action, so all can witness the mighty power of His Truth and Light.  But before the church can unite and act, we must prepare ourselves individually first.
I believe there is call for personal growth beyond any we have ever seen in history.

2 Chronicles 7:14
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

Each of us who claim to be Christian are being called  upon to seek Him like never before.  Before we can go out and make disciples, we must close the gap of separation of church and self, and church and home.  If the church as a whole can reconcile with God, through Jesus Christ, by deeper personal growth then God will begin to move His people foward.
Personal growth must first begin with not leaving your Christian identity at church.  It must go with you.  That means everywhere, all places,  your light should not be hidden and kept at church, it shall be exposed forthright.
Hear me people of God, as the world perils, it is in dire need of hope, love, and joy that you had when you first experienced God.  Over the years that flame may have faded, but now is the time to reignite.  The Spirit of Our Lord is calling for the church to return to Him once again so that the lost of the world can see that He is not dead, but much alive.  Use the physical church to Recharge your flame, seek a deeper knowledge of God than you ever had.  But don't leave it there.
God is ready to move foward. He usually doesn't wait for the majority either. God does His best work with very little.  It will not take millions of Christians to seek deep personal growth.   I would be surprised if it was more than a few 100,000 truly faithful to move this nation.  I have no idea what the plan is.  It's not for me to know. God is begining by gathering his faithful.  This is a season of personal growth right now.
The season between planting and harvest.  Time to invest in maintenance, to invest in new skills and technology.  Farmers will take this time to redirect efforts into mending fences, repairing equipment,  researching new techniques and discussing market trends, also to reconnect with the farming community.
It is a time for Christians to reconnect, to seek spiritual improvement, to repair their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Reflect on lessons learned and recommit.  A season to prepare for what God has planned.
Brothers and sisters, prepare spiritually now in this season.  Whatever level you are at do not be content.  This the time to advance your relationship.  The foundation of our nation is breaking a part, and God is seeking those who are seeking Him to heal it.

With love,

Matt Rivers